Why did my item get rejected?
Common Rejections Reasons for MakiPlace
We’re committed to improving our review process and part of that means making sure that sellers understand what happens when an item is submitted for review. MakiPlace strives to have only items of the highest quality available on the Marketplace. Items are evaluated and assessed during the approval process by our own quality standards, which are set at the discretion of the Review Team.
Reviewers use a combination of pre-prepared review responses and handwritten, personalized notes. The pre-prepared responses handle the most common errors and issues we see in the review queue, and have been standardized to ensure that each review is as informative and clear as possible.
Your submission doesn't meet our quality requirements
Unfortunately your submission doesn't meet our minimum technical quality requirements for the category it was submitted to. Please consider taking some time to familiarize yourself with our current library and quality levels of popular items before resubmitting. Examples of this might be slow loading CMS themes or silent errors.
Your submission does not have sufficient commercial utility
We're not able to accept your submission as it does not provide enough commercial utility. Submissions need to be commercially viable and provide a minimum level of utility for purchasing customers. Please consider browsing the Market to see what kind of products other sellers are creating that provide more commercial utility.
Your submission is too similar to existing items
Though there may not be anything wrong with your file, we either have plenty of this submission type already or there is currently not enough demand from customers for this type of submission.
You have re-submitted a previously rejected submission without changes
This is a resubmission of a previously rejected submission. Resubmitting without making the required changes or any improvements is not considered acceptable use of MakiPlace and repeated attempts may result in a temporary or permanent suspension of seller.
If this item was previously soft rejected, please resubmit your updated files by updating the item directly. If this item was previously hard rejected, it must be changed as required in the initial review or significantly improved such that it qualifies as a new item.
Your submission does not meet our maturity content guidelines
Unfortunately, your file contains inappropriate language and/or explicit sexual, violent or drug-related content, which will need to be removed from all previews and download files. Please remove offensive material from future uploads before submitting them.
Last updated