Graphics Preparation Guidelines
This part instructs you to prepare your file for submission to Graphics category of MakiPlace.
Feature Image
The feature image should be:
Created with the dimension of 1200x630 pixels
Image types include: JPG or PNG
Maximum file size of 2MB.
This image size enables us to easier set up advertisements for your products on Facebook. You are also encouraged to use the image of as high quality as possible.
You can also download some of our templates here for free as a feature image for your products.
Write Product Description
The product description of Graphics category should accurately describe the item and its elements. The technical specifications, requirements and limitations must be clarified. The description also needs to make clear all components included in the main file.
Try to find ways to describe your item in the most easy-to-understand way since not all of your customers have deep expertise in the field. Put yourself in their shoes and imagine what they want to know before making any purchase. If you don’t know where to start, you can use some of our suggestions below:
Graphics Product Description Template 1:
I started creating _________________ (your product) when I was ________________ (describe you as your ideal customer, before you created a solution) and ______________________ (pain). I was ____________________(specific feeling, e.g. tired/frustrated/fed up) with ______________________ (current options available). I wanted _____________________ (pleasure/dream scenario).
I created a product with ___________________ (features) so that _______________________ (benefits).
Graphics Product Description Template 2:
I know how frustrating/difficult/etc. it is when ________________ (current product options available or pain). Which is why I created ________________ (name of product) that has ________________ (features) for _______________ (benefits and or pleasure).
Graphics Product Description Template 3:
For those times when ___________________ (pain), this ________________ (product name) will ________________ (pleasure). It has __________________ (features) to ____________________ (benefits).
Graphics Product Description Template 4:
Perfect for ___________________________ (pleasure), these _______________ (product name) can be _______________ (paint a picture). They’re ______________ (features) to _______________ (benefits). No more _____________________ (pain).
Graphics Product Description Template 5:
Most ________________________ (your type of product) are/do/have ___________________ (current product options available). Which causes ___________________ (pain they want to avoid).
My ____________________ (name of product) will/is/has ___________________ (pleasure they want to gain). The _____________________ (features) ensure _____________________ (benefits).
Save your Main File
Files must not exceed 4 GB.
Your design should be organized into easy to edit, clearly labeled layers and groups.
Common elements should be organized and labeled so that customers can easily edit your file.
Your file should be as highly editable as possible.
Create a Help File
Documentation helps you introduce to your customers the item and all of its elements. The minimum requirements for a documentation are as follows.
The file can be in TXT or PDF format
Names of the resources (fonts, etc.) used in the item. And what is its license? In the case of a paid resource, please provide us the license information and prove that you are the legal owner of it.
Non-standard fonts (fonts that don’t come with an OS like Windows or OS X) should include link to download/purchase resources used in the product.
A clear explanation of any special techniques used for editing the file, such as the use of smart objects, layer styles or linked images.
Last updated